As an educator my first experience dates from my early twenties, in Senegal, where I was teaching filmmaking, unfortunately without a camera! Since then, I designed and/or led courses around film production, visual effects, media arts & technologies, and held workshops about visual effects, technological arts and production workflows.

Recently I have been designing and leading a Higher Education Visual Effects and Technological Arts Bachelor, at Catalyst | Institute For Creative Arts & Technology, in Berlin. The purpose of this course is to prepare a new generation of practitioners in the fast-paced environment of narrative arts and technologies.

Today, I am stepping further in education design, with reflecting on our relationship, as creative practitionners, to machines, technologies and ecosystems.
- Current // Masterclasses & Workshops (Soft Skills, Narratives & Technological Arts)

- 2018-2023 // Catalyst Berlin /  HE Certificate and Bachelor Tutor (Visual Effects, Media Art, and production workflows)

- 2019-2022 // dBs Berlin / Lead Programme for Visual Effects & Technological Arts - HE Certificate and Bachelor

- 2017-2021 SAE / Lecturer (Color Grading, Digital Compositing, VFX supervising, Visual Storytelling)

- 2018-2019 // dBs Berlin / Lead Programme for Film Production HE Bachelor

- 2017 // FMX / Masterclasses (Narrative - Soft Skills)

- 2017 // SAE / Masterclasses (Storytelling, Project Managment)

- 2009-2012 // PointRouge / Workshops (Electronic & Robotic)

- 1999 // Centre culturel de Dakar / Workshops (Filmmaking & Production)